Household Multifunctional Can Opener Beer Beverage Bottle Opener Features: Wear and durable Non-slip, convenient Easy to open, saves time and effort With hanging holes for easy suspension Will not hurt your hand 1x Non-slip design, comfortable to the Size:16x4.5cm Small size, light weight and easy to carry Versatile, can open a variety of beverage cans Product Description: Small size, light weight and easy to carry Will not hurt your hand Easy to open, saves time and effort Size:16x4.5cm Versatile, can open a variety of beverage cans Wear and durable Non-slip, convenient 1x With hanging holes for easy suspension Non-slip design, comfortable to the Non-slip design, comfortable to the Small size, light weight and easy to carry Versatile, can open a variety of beverage cans Size:16x4.5cm Easy to open, saves time and effort Non-slip, convenient 1x With hanging holes for easy suspension Wear and durable Will not hurt your hand Will not hurt your hand 1x Versatile, can open a variety of beverage cans Non-slip, convenient Non-slip design, comfortable to the Size:16x4.5cm With hanging holes for easy suspension Wear and durable Small size, light weight and easy to carry Easy to open, saves time and effort Non-slip, convenient Wear and durable Small size, light weight and easy to carry Size:16x4.5cm With hanging holes for easy suspension Non-slip design, comfortable to the Will not hurt your hand 1x Easy to open, saves time and effort Versatile, can open a variety of beverage cans 1x Non-slip, convenient Size:16x4.5cm Small size, light weight and easy to carry Wear and durable Will not hurt your hand Non-slip design, comfortable to the Versatile, can open a variety of beverage cans With hanging holes for easy suspension Easy to open, saves time and effort